Class 2 This Week

1st June 2020

A reminder of the project changes:

There are activities for reading, SPAG, writing and maths for Monday - Thursday. On Friday you will have chance for an online catch-up with Mrs Kennedy and your friends and you can also use the day to catch up or finish off, edit and improve any of your work from the week. All maths work in the project is now from White Rose Maths; videos are free to view online and are linked in the project sheet. You don't have to stick with White Rose - Prodigy and BBC Bitesize are good too. The reason we chose to focus on White Rose is it is the scheme we use in school and is what we would have been teaching this term. The SPAG and reading are now part of the project tasks, rather than additional to them.

We hope these changes help but if you need any help or have any questions, please do ask. If you would like to email any of your work to or tweet it, the teachers will reply with feedback, encouragement and house points and share it on our twitter pages too (if we have your permission) 

Thanks, Calder Primary Staff Team