Performance Data

DfE school performance tables website

Please note that in order to protect individuals from being identified, data is recorded as 'suppressed' in some sections, such as 'results by pupil characteristics' when the number of pupils in that cohort is fewer than six. 

There will be no published data for Summer 2020 or 2021  as all assessments for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 were cancelled as a result of COVID-19 School Closures. However we did carry out Teacher Assessments in school to ensure we can track pupil attainment and progress. 

The government will not publish KS2 school data for 2022 due to the ongoing COVID pandemic disruption. 2023 data is awaiting official validation and is expected to be published soon. 

Therefore the last available data is from 2019. 


Most Recent Data (2019)

We are always incredibly proud of the hard work our pupils put into their learning, the fantastic results they achieve and the amazing progress they make.  We were recognised as one of the top performing schools in Calderdale and Yorkshire for our results at Key Stage 2 in 2019.  

Early Years Foundation Stage Data

Phonics Screening Check Data

Key Stage 1 Data

Key Stage 2 Data

For our Key Stage 2 Data 2019, we had a small cohort of 8 pupils, each was therefore worth 12.5% percent in our results. 


Historical Data

A full breakdown of historical data for our school can be found below.

Our 2017 data is recorded for Cragg Vale School. Please read our OFSTED report from October 2016 too. 

Click here to see our 2018 Key Stage 2 data


Data 2018

Key Stage 2

Calder Primary School

(Cohort of 6 pupils)





Average progress score in Reading 1.93 Average progress compared with pupils across the country    
Average progress score in Writing 0.17 Average progress compared with pupils across the country    
Average progress score in Maths -0.19 Average progress compared with pupils across the country     
Average scaled score in Reading 106.3 104.6 105.0
Average scaled score in Maths 103.3 104.1 104.4
% pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Reading  83.3% 73.7% 75%
% pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Writing 83.3% 74% 78%
% pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling  83.3% 76.1% 77.7%
% pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Maths 66% 74.6% 76%
% pupils achieving the high score in RWM combined  17% 6% 10%
% pupils achieving the high score in Reading  17% 25.7% 26%
% pupils achieving the high score in Writing 17% 11.7% 20%
% pupils achieving the high score in Maths 17% 23% 24%


Key Stage 1

Calder Primary 

(cohort of 4 pupils each worth 25%)





Pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Reading 75% 71.3% 75.4%
Pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Writing 75% 63.9% 69.9%
Pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Maths 75% 73.2% 76.1%


Early Years Foundation Stage
  Calder Primary Calderdale National
Good Level of Development Expected or above 83% 70% 71.6%
Good Level of Development Exceeding 17% Not available Not available
Average total point score 40.2 34.3 34.6