
At Calder Primary School we use a range of ongoing assessments to assess our pupils. These include looking at ongoing progress in pupils books and observing pupils learning independently and with peers. 

We work within school as a staff team as well with local schools in our cluster to carefully moderate work to ensure our systems are accurate and robust. 



Before your child joins Reception the class teacher will visit them at their Early Years setting, or at home, and will talk to their key worker to find out all about them, such as their likes and dislikes, their strengths and weaknesses. She will also copy their current Development Matters information. 

Within the first half term in Reception, the class teacher will observe the pupils, including during play and in small individual and group games and activities to assess their starting point at school - also know as a baseline.

After that your child will be continually assessed through a series of observations and which will be recorded and shared on our online learning journey platform 'Tapestry'.  At the end of the year they will be assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile which will show whether your child is emerging or expected in the key areas. This will feed into their transition into Year 1, for example if they need additional support in any emerging areas, or have particular areas of strength. 

You will receive updates to their learning journey on Tapestry - more information will be shared in the New Reception Parent Catch-Up meeting in mid-September and parents are encouraged to share learning from home as part of this too. 


Key Stage One

Pupils in Year 1 undertake a phonics screening test, through work with their teacher, which indicates whether they have achieved a good level of phonics knowledge or if they are still working towards this. 

In Year 2 pupils will take part in their SATs assessments in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) and Maths. These assessments include evidence from test papers and work in their books across the curriculum through teacher assessments.

Any child who did not reach a good level of phonics in Year 1 will also retake the phonics screening test at the end of Year 2. 


Key Stage 2

At the end of Key Stage 2, pupils take their SATs. These are tests in Reading, Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG), Writing and Maths. Writing is assessed by their class teacher, but all other tests are externally marked. Pupils are marked against the expected levels for the end of KS2.


Ongoing Assessments

All our pupils are assessed at the end of each term by their teachers and their progress is carefully tracked.  Writing and SPAG are assessed through ongoing work, as well as a half-termly piece of independent writing. Writing Framework objectives from the Calderdale Moderators Team support teacher judgements. Reading is assessed in Guided Reading sessions as well as through half-termly progress tests and pupils are also tested on their Reading age twice a year to get a full picture of their reading abilities so that we can plan effectively for them. Maths is assessed through ongoing class work as well as end of unit and termly progress tests. Science is assessed at the end of each unit of work. 

Other subject areas are assessed at the end of each unit, with three bandings of 'emerging, expected or exceeding' against the objectives. 


Reporting To Parents

We have two Parental Consultation evenings in the school year - one after Autumn half term, and one in Spring term. These give you the opportunity to discuss your child's progress in more detail and look at their school work. Pupils in Key Stage 2 are also invited to attend and talk about their targets and achievements. 

We send home 'report cards' at the end of each term, which show you your child's individual progress in English and Maths as well as areas of strength and development. They also have an overall comment from Mrs Lambert including on attendance. 

If you have any questions, please do contact us to speak in more detail.