
Calder Primary School is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all pupils to learn in.

Each year we take part in the national anti-bullying week, where we raise awareness with pupils and parents and take part in assemblies and activities throughout school. For Anti-Bullying Week each year we join with schools across the country to #chooserespect and hold an Odd Socks Day to celebrate that we are all unique and different but all equally important and we should respect everybody. 

We expect all our pupils to follow our 5 golden rules in school, which include treating others with respect and speaking kindly to each other. 

Bullying or harassment of any kind, including cyber bullying, is unacceptable and will be immediately dealt with. Please read our anti-bullying policy, under our policies section, for more details.


Information for Parents

 The Anti-Bullying Alliance, who organise Anti-Bullying Week each year, have a wealth of information for parents on their website 

Internet Matters,, have information about online safety on their website including parent guides for children from 0-5, 6-10 and 11-13 which can help you find out more about what your child might be doing online and give you some simple, practical and easy advice on the steps you can take as a parent to keep them as safe as possible.