
At Calder Primary School we are very proud of our pupils and how well they represent our school. We believe that wearing our school uniform plays an important role in giving our pupils pride in their appearance and a sense of identity in our school family. We ask for your support and co-operation in helping us maintain these high standards.
  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
  • White polo shirt with the school logo
  • Black school trousers, skirt, smart culottes or pinafore dress
  • Black, white or red tights or socks
  • Smart black school shoes or black school boots in winter
  • In the summer, pupils may also wear black school shorts or a red and white gingham dress or playsuit if preferred.



  • Red PE t-shirt with school logo
  • Black shorts



As above plus:

  • A warm jumper, preferably red Calder Primary PE hoodie or plain red or black.
  • Black jogging bottoms
  • Trainers (trainers are preferable to plimsoles as they provide more support and grip) 
  • Sports socks in black, red or white


Other Items

  • School book bags, rucksacks and PE bags and school coats are also available to purchase


Please name all items of clothing, especially PE kit and please make sure PE kit, including trainers, is in school at all times.

All our branded uniform is available to order online from https://myclothing.com/calder-primary-school/20929school or to purchase in Shaw Hardcastle in Halifax.

Non-branded items, for example trousers, skirts, PE shorts are widely available including at supermarkets. 

We have a pre-loved uniform shop in our school main entrance, with items at 50 or £1, you are welcome to visit at any time. Donations of out-grown uniform in good condition are always welcome too!