School Houses

We have four school houses named after local landmarks:
  • Stoodley
  • Shibden
  • Hardcastle
  • Wainhouse


Each house has a captain and vice-captains from Year 6 and pupils are assigned a house when they join our school. Siblings are in the same house too.

Pupils collect points for their house through their reward charts, and certificates are awarded by the captains each week in our Friday Achievement Assemblies and on Class Charts. 

Points are also awarded for attendance and punctuality and house events such as our annual Easter Fun Morning and Sports Day.

At the end of each term the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, which has their coloured ribbons attached and sits at the top of our trophy cabinet in our entrance area.  

Pupils are extremely proud of their houses and past pupils and older siblings often join us for our annual events to cheer on their houses too! Our houses are the same as Calder High School and pupils keep their house as they move into Year 7.