- Financial Benchmarking
- Term Dates
- Calendar Year on a Page
- School Day Timings
- School Uniform
- School Meals
- Performance Data
- Pupil Premium
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Attendance
- Safeguarding
- Calendar
- Y11 Parents evening (X side)
- Y11 Parents evening (Y side)
- February half-term
- Y9 Parents evening
- Y11 mock exams (core subjects)
- Y9 Options evening (In Person)
- Easter Holidays
- Y8 Parents evening
- Y7 Parents Evening (Online)
- Spring bank half-term
- Term finishes
- Calder High School Open Evening
- Year 11 Parents' Evening (X Side)
- Year 11 Parents' Evening (Y Side)
- PE Neon Disco
- Y9 Parents' Evening (Online)
- Y8 HPV Vaccinations
- February Half-Term
- Easter Holidays
- May Day 2024
- Spring Bank Half-Term Holiday
- Staff Training Day
- SEND Drop-In
- Geography Trip (Norway)
- Y8 Parents' Evening (In Person)
- Privacy Notices
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Key Information »
School Day Timings
School Day Timings
School Day Timings Calder High |
8:25 |
Bell |
8:30 |
Form time |
8:50 |
Period 1 |
9:50 |
Period 2 |
10:55 |
Break |
11:15 |
Period 3 |
12:15 |
Period 4 |
1:20 |
Lunch |
2:00 |
Period 5 |
3:00 |
End of day |
Our school day begins at 8.25am and ends at 3.00pm.
Our total school hours per week are 32.5 hours, in line with the DofE schools guidance. This does not include additional before or after school enrichment or support.