Ofsted February 2022 Overall Effectiveness: Good

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What is it like to attend this school?

At The Calder Learning Trust, pupils are respectful towards each other. Pupils say
that they feel safe and they know that adults will help them. 
Relationships between staff and pupils are strong.
The school’s approach to teaching and learning is described as the ‘Calder
classroom’, and is helping pupils to learn in a consistent way. Staff are encouraged
to share good practice, supporting pupils to achieve well. Expectations of all pupils
are high.
Pupils are given opportunities to express their views freely. Pupils speak confidently
about healthy relationships. They know what a good friend is. They use words such
as ‘loyal’ and ‘caring’, and understand the importance of being a good listener.


<Click Here> to read the full Ofsted report from the inspection in February 2022