Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Calder's Commitment To Mental Health

Here at The Calder Learning Trust, we are committed to supporting young people and staff's mental health. We support this in a variety of ways (see below). Our Senior Mental Health lead is Mr Taylor and the lead practitioner is Ruth Archbold, supported by James Hornby.
If you would like to contact school regarding a mental health issue, please contact us at pastoral@calderlearningtrust.com 

Mental Health Support

Feeling distressed or unhappy from time to time is normal, however if these feelings are persistent or causing a lot of worry then you may need to seek professional help.

Calderdale's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service Guide has been written by parents and professionals working together. It has been developed to support families whose children and young people are experiencing health and wellbeing difficulties.

Here is a handy 'QR Code style' list of Emotional Health and Wellbeing services for Children and Young People in Calderdale.

Parent workshop - Understanding Self-Harm


Please follow the link below to access up to 8 free counselling sessions.




The Calderdale Mental Health Support Team (MHST) have been working in The Calder Learning Trust since March 2022. Now we have found our feet a little bit, the plan is to become even more involved with the school and support students, staff and families.

Our service focuses on supporting interventions, focusing on positive mental health in all areas, including school and in the wider community. To do this we offer the following:

  • 1:1 session with young people who are feeling low in mood or anxious
  • Consultations to school staff
  • Support with the planning and delivery of pupil workshops
  • Development of strategies to support overall wellbeing in the school

Our role involves working alongside staff and senior leaders to develop mental health support within the school. We also want to work with parents and support you to build your awareness of how you can contribute to positive mental health at home and school.

What we do

  • Short term evidence-based mental health support for children and young people
  • Support and training to schools to develop their whole school approach to emotional wellbeing
  • Mental health advice and liaison with services for school staff about pupils. Open Minds Calderdale website contains a wealth of mental health advice and information


School Nurse

Our School Nurse, Claire Meade RCN, is here everyday and her functions cover (but not limited to) :-

  • Overseeing Health Care Plans
  • Managing long / short term medical needs of students
  • Giving support and advice around health needs
  • Diabetic Clinic
  • Asthma Support
  • Health and Wellbeing interventions
  • Working with partner agencies
  • Sexual Health Drop in (KS4)

If you have any queries regarding the health needs of pupils, please contact cmeade@calderlearningtrust.com


The Everybody Panel 

As part of our wider offer, The Calder Learning Trust hold a regular Everybody Panel to discuss cases that are referred to panel with regard to pupil needs. The panel ensures available appropriate support within school is offered. The Everybody Panel covers pastoral, academic and SEN intervention, and is also the referral route to the Mental Health Support Team (MHST). The panel consisting of key senior members of staff meets weekly.

Interventions are delivered on either 1:1 basis or in small groups, avoiding core subject time wherever possible. Pastoral intervention programmes focus on Social and Emotional Wellbeing, and Academic Interventions focus on Raising Attainment.

How to be referred:

Pupils can self-refer for support by speaking to their form tutor or Head of Year
Staff can refer pupils they concern for (after discussion with Head of Faculty /Head of Year)
Parent/Carer can request through discussion with appropriate members of staff
If you have any queries, please contact pastoraladmin@calderlearningtrust.com


Other Early Help Services provided by Family Support and Outreach Teams

Being a parent can sometimes feel like a very difficult job and acknowledge that we all need a little support from time to time. We also know it can be hard to ask for help or where to go and find it, which is why there is a dedicated team who can work with you to develop a plan of support that suits you and your family. Here is a directory of services you may find useful.

There are also parent/carer workshops on topics such as ‘Supporting and Understanding Anxiety’ to ‘Sleep difficulties’, to Self-Harm Awareness.

There are various workshops and activities for girls taking place every Friday from 28th April. Please <click here> to find the timetable for timings and location.