UCL Beacon School in Holocaust Education

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The Calder Learning Trust has been offered the prestigious opportunity to be a UCL Beacon School, joining a small cohort of schools across the country who are committed to developing the way the Holocaust is taught in England’s schools. UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education, which leads the Beacon School programme, was established in 2008 with the aim of “working with teachers to transform Holocaust education”. It is part of University College London’s Institute of Education, which is Britain’s leading centre for educational research.

Edward Robinson, a Teacher of History at the Calder Learning Trust, will join leading colleagues from across England (and experts from University College London’s Centre for Holocaust Education) on a powerful, innovative and engaging Holocaust Education programme.

Since 2012, the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education’s Beacon Schools Programme has worked directly with 165 secondary schools and impacted upwards of 160,000 young people. Beacon Schools become dynamic hubs in their regional area to improve teaching standards, raise pupil achievement, strengthen SMSC provision, support wider school policies on safeguarding and inclusion, and encourage community and social cohesion.

As a UCL Beacon School, The Calder Learning Trust has developed an ambitious vision for the future of its Holocaust Education across the whole trust.

Edward Robinson says: “At The Calder Learning Trust, we are building a learning community where pedagogical research and academic rigour is at the heart of our teaching. Our vision as a Beacon School spreads across both Calder Primary and Calder High School. As a national leader in Holocaust Education, we will combine Historical, Religious and Pastoral Education to develop a synthesised Holocaust Education which is authentic, reflective and meaningful.”

Edward Robinson is working closely with Associate Deputy Headteacher Chris Washington to facilitate researched informed Holocaust teaching and learning across the Calder Learning Trust. At the centre of our vision is to challenge prejudice and hate in all forms, and to champion rights, respect, empathy and inclusion.

The Executive Director of the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education, Professor Stuart Foster, says:

‘We’re delighted to welcome this year’s cohort of Beacon Schools and we’re looking forward to working with our Lead Teachers and Senior Leaders. At a

time when schools and teachers face unprecedented challenges, we are inspired by the commitment these teachers are showing.

Teaching and learning about the Holocaust is neither easy nor straightforward. But it has also arguably never been more important, given the uncertainties and tensions that surround us. Together with our new group of Beacon Schools we are excited about developing students’ knowledge and understanding of this critical history.’



Please contact:

Edward Robinson
Teacher of History
Lead Teacher: UCL Beacon School
The Calder Learning Trust
