Student Parliament

Our Student Parliament

At The Calder Learning Trust we aim to help young people have a greater say over matters that affect their school, local community and wider lives.

Our Student Parliament promotes leadership opportunities that enable pupils and students to develop valuable communication, organisation and debating skills through key roles of responsibility.

The Student Parliament benefits the whole school; it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their opinions as well as influence the decisions that are made on their behalf. Furthermore, it also provides pupils with the chance to be a leading figure within the school community, giving them a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction in shaping the future direction of the school.

Our Parliament is a fundamental part of our delivery of British Values across the Trust. It gives our students a voice to shape their school and contribute to the school culture we believe in.

Who can be a member of parliament?

All students have an opportunity to apply to become a Member of Parliament. Students need to apply in writing and are elected by their form to represent their form.

Our Student Parliament represents the voice of the student body. We are a team of students, from all year groups, that works collaboratively with the Student Leadership Team and, at times, the Senior Leadership Team to improve our school. We understand the importance of our position and how we can help to provide new systems, facilities, opportunities and a voice for everyone.


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